The Giant Jam Sandwich Craft

This week we read “The Giant Jam Sandwich” by John Vernon Lord. After reading the story we talked about how if we were to make a giant jam sandwich, what would you want to trap inside of it. After the kids came up with all sorts of clever critters they’d like to trap, we decided to make our very own giant jam sandwich.
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This book is such a fun story to read! It’s written in a way that you can really animate your voice, so the kids get a big kick out of it. A gigantic swarm of wasps invades the town of Itching Down one summer day so the townspeople devise an ingenious plan to rid themselves of this horrific nuisance by trapping them in a giant jam sandwich.

Materials you Will Need:

  • 2 sheets of white or cream card stock paper for the bread slices.
  • 1 sheet of white paper
  • red acrylic paint and paint brush
  • crayons
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • black marker

1. Cut the top of your two cream colored card stock sheets in the shape of a loaf of bread (like the top of a heart).

2. Have your child paint one of the sheets with the red paint. Set aside the painted sheet to dry.

3. While the paint is drying, have your child draw and color on the white paper small pictures of the critters/animals (whatever they come up with) that they want to trap in their jam sandwich.

4. Have your child cut out the objects they just drew to trap them in the sandwich.

5. When the red paint is completely dry, paste the little pictures onto the jam sandwich slice.

6. Take the other sheet of the card stock paper and use the black marker to write the following on it: In my giant jam sandwich, I caught….  __________________ (and fill in the blank of whatever they dictate to you that they caught in their sandwich).

7. Take the two card stock sheets and place them together (facing each other). Then help your child staple the edge in three spots to seal it together (like a book).

8. Open up your giant jam sandwich and it is finished!!

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