Rainbow Swag Bunting…Made from Cupcake Liners!

Since we had our cupcake liners out the other day to make our Rainbow Craft we decided to add some fun festive Spring decor to our front room and made a Rainbow Swag Bunting to hang on our mantle.

Rainbow Swag Bunting

We added some good luck charms in our bunting with pipe cleaner shamrocks to go along with the upcoming holiday St Patrick’s Day. The bunting is super simple to make and I had my 3 1/2 year old daughter as my big helper.


Materials you will need:


1. Make shamrock from pipe cleaners

Make shamrocks out of 7 green fuzzy sticks(they are also known as pipe cleaners). Just put 3 of your fingers together, and wrap the pipe cleaner around all of them, 1 at a time. Pull it off the tops of your fingers, and twist the 2 ends together to hold it.

2. Fold cupcake liners in half and punch two holes along folded side

Press all of your cupcake liners out flat and then fold them in half. Punch two holes along the folded side of the liner with your hole punch to thread your string through them. I used the circular shape on the liner as my guide for where to punch the holes on each liner. I laid my  liners and shamrocks out on the table in color order with the shamrocks in line so they be would easy to grab and put on the string.


3. String all liners and shamrocks on gold bakers twine

My big helper helped me string all the liners and shamrocks on my gold bakers twine in the correct order. We started with a shamrock, then 2 red liners, another shamrock, 2 orange liners, a shamrock, etc.


4. Use tape to hang your Rainbow Swag Bunting

Use tape to hang it up on your mantle or wherever you want to hang it. I taped mine up in the middle also so it had a swag on each side. Now we are all ready for Spring!

Cupcake Liner Rainbow Swag Bunting

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