Meet crafty creatures with free raccoon coloring pages! This collection of 25 black and white line drawings is dedicated to these mischief-loving critters and their antics.
Raccoons live throughout North America and also inhabit some areas of South America and Canada.
While many people assume they are rodents, they are actually small omnivorous mammals.
Raccoons are famed for their intelligence and love of mischief, and while many people love them, some do consider them to be a bit of a nuisance.
This collection will be dedicated to the good aspects of raccoons, though!
The 25 pages in this collection feature rodents drawn in styles ranging from cartoony to realistic, making it ideal for people of all tastes and ages to work with.
Not only is there a lot of fun awaiting you, but you will also learn a few facts about these masked bandits that you may not have known before.
25 Free Raccoon Coloring Pages To Print And Color
1. Baby Raccoon Sleeping
Raccoons are always cute, but a sleeping baby raccoon is the cutest form of all!
Once a baby raccoon is born, they will stay with their mothers for about a year before venturing out on their own.
2. Cute Baby Raccoon On A Tree Stump
3. Cartoon Raccoon In A Bandit Mask Coloring PDF
One of the most distinctive visual features of a raccoon would have to be the little bandit mask shapes they have on their faces. This one is wearing a literal mask though!
There are many theories as to why they have these mask patterns, but the prevailing one is that it helps to keep the glare from their eyes.
4. Happy Smiling Cartoon Raccoon
The big eyes on this cartoon raccoon help to make it even cuter!
Raccoons are mostly nocturnal creatures, and they can see very well in the dark.
5. Curious Raccoon Looking For Food
Raccoons can be accused of many things, but you can’t accuse them of being picky eaters!
They make a lot of enemies in many places because they often forage through trash cans in order to find food and make a big mess.
6. Cute Racoon Standing On Hind Legs
Seeing this raccoon standing on two legs may seem like something that could only happen in a cartoon, but raccoons do occasionally stand on their hind legs and can even walk small distances this way.
7. Funny Raccoon Holding A Pumpkin
8. Playful Raccoon Jumping Over A Log
9. Cute Raccoon Climbing A Branch
10. Raccoon Digging Through Trash Cans
11. Raccoon Family In The Forest
This cute raccoon family is having a lovely day in the forest. In reality, a mother raccoon can have up to five babies at a time, and a baby raccoon is called a kit.
12. Raccoon Holding A Piece Of Fruit
It’s time for this raccoon to tuck into this delicious piece of fruit!
Even as omnivores, raccoons usually prefer meat, eggs and insects. However, they will eat some fruit and vegetables as well.
13. Raccoon In A Nighttime Forest
Even raccoons like to take a nighttime stroll from time to time!
Even though they can live in forested areas like this scene, raccoons can also thrive in suburban environments, often putting them at odds with the residents of said suburbs.
14. Raccoon In A Park Looking For Snacks
15. Raccoon Looking At The Moon Coloring Sheet
This raccoon is fascinated by the moon and seems very curious!
Raccoons are extraordinarily intelligent creatures which makes it easy for them to outwit humans sometimes.
16. Raccoon Paw Prints In The Mud
17. Raccoon Peeking Out From A Hollow Log
Any place can be your home when you’re a raccoon. They will live pretty much anywhere, and they usually live alone as well.
Once babies have left their mothers, they will usually remain mostly solitary extcept during the mating season.
18. Raccoon Sitting On A Rock
19. Raccoon Sniffing The Air
20. Raccoon In A Grassy Meadow
21. Raccoon Washing Food In A River
This fluffy raccoon is doing something that raccoons are famous for: ‘washing’ their food.
There are a few theories as to why they do this, but it’s commonly believed that it’s to help them grip the food more easily with their sensitive hands.
22. Waving Raccoon With A Busy Tail
23. Raccoon On All Fours
24. Cute Baby Raccoon Coloring Page For Kids
25. Realistic Raccoon
This final raccoon is one of the most realistic ones yet! If you love raccoons, then you can find many of them in Toronto.
There are so many there that it’s often jokingly called the raccoon capital of the world.
After You Color Your Raccoon Pages
- Draw some creative things for these raccoons to eat such as some old trash or even proper human meals.
- Design and draw some angry cartoon characters who are at war with the raccoons.
- Take a few of the pages, group them together and add some dialogue in speech bubbles to create your own comic strip.
- Draw some more cartoon animals to join the raccoons in their foraging like cats or squirrels.
Some may see them as pests, but I still think that raccoons are super cute! If you do too, then I hope you enjoyed coloring these little critters.
Don’t be afraid to try out some weird and wacky color ideas, you can always print a new copy if you don’t like how it looks.
When you have finished your pages, you can share them on social media to show them off to the world!