Paper Bag Snowy Owl Craft

If you’re planning on learning about owls this winter, you will love this simple and fun paper bag snowy owl craft.

The winter season is a perfect time for preschoolers to learn about animals that live in cold climates like polar bears, penguins, walruses, and arctic foxes.

This snowy owl craft is a perfect compliment to learning about the majestic white owl. Here’s a fun fact my daughter and I learned about snowy owls this week: As male snowy owls get older, they get whiter but females never become completely white. They always remain brownish with darker markings.

Two snowy owl crafts, one laying on top of the other in front of a white shiplap background with white pom poms scattered around the bottom.

Read our easy step-by-step tutorial below for how to make this easy snowy owl craft with your kids. Make sure to watch our video tutorial inside this post before get started too.

Supplies Needed:

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1. Stuff your paper bag

Start by cutting off about 2-3 inches from the top of your white paper bag. Cut several strips from your newspaper, crinkle them up and stuff your paper bag about 1-inch down from the top.

2. Staple the bag

Staple the top of the paper bag shut. Then fold the top down and staple it down to make the top of the paper bag flat.  This will be the bottom of your owl.


3. Make ears

(Optional) Pinch the top corners of the bag up and add a staple to hold it in place and to make owl ears.

4. Cut out beak & eyes

Cut out two 1-inch yellow circles for eyes and a black beak from cardstock. Use your black marker to draw pupils inside the yellow eyes.


5. Glue them to the bag

Using an extra strength glue stick, glue the yellow eyes and black beak onto the stuffed paper bag.

6. Draw feathers

Draw black feather markings along the front of the paper bag, under the eyes and beak of the owl.

Two snowy owl crafts made from paper bags laying face up on a pink background with snowflake stickers and white pom poms scattered around.

7. Add wings

Cut out a circle from your extra newspaper clippings. Cut the circle in half to create two owl wings. Then using your black marker, draw a few feather markings on each newspaper wing. Finish your snowy owl craft by gluing the two newspaper wings on the front of the paper bag.

Vertical close up image of two snowy owl crafts one laying on top of the other in front of a white shiplap background with the text "paper bag snowy owls" in the bottom right corner.

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