Ornament Stamped Christmas Tree Craft

We had fun with another Christmas Tree Craft today. This time we stamped colorful ornaments on our tree and topped it with a glitter filled star. So simple and beautiful!
Ornament Stamped Christmas Tree Craft

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Supplies you will need:

1. Cut a Christmas tree shape out of a 12″ x 12″ green cardstock paper. I drew my tree out in pencil first and then cut it out.




2. Pour some paint onto your small paper plates. We choose to use 4 different colors. Dip your circular shaped cup or cardboard tube into the paint and then stamp it onto your tree to make circle ornament shapes.




3. Continue making circle stamps all over your tree until it is full or colorful ornaments. Let the paint dry completely.



4. While the paint is drying, cut a star out of your yellow cardstock paper. Cover it in school glue and sprinkle gold glitter all over it. Pour off any excess glitter.




5. After the star is dry, glue it to the top of the tree.


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6. Cut a trunk out of brown cardstock paper and glue it to the bottom of your Christmas tree.



My daughter’s tree turned out so lovely! It makes such a cheerful and beautiful decoration around the house too!


Try coupling this craft with Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree by Robert Barry!


You might also enjoy our Rudolph Reindeer Craft!



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