3-D Four Leaf Clover St. Patrick’s Day Craft

We had a lot of fun with our 3-D Valentine’s Craft so I couldn’t resist trying out something similar for St. Patrick’s Day. Since we have been learning all about rainbows lately and I knew we could make a 3-D four leaf clover out of paper hearts, it made for the perfect spring craft!

3D four leaf clover craft

Materials you will need:


1. Paint white paper in rainbow color stripes

Use your watercolors to paint stripes across your white paper in rainbow colors.

3D clover craft

2. Cut strips out of green paper

While your watercolor painting dries, cut strips of green paper to make your four leaf clovers. I cut my strips 1/2 inch x 5 1/2 inches. If you make 6 four leaf clovers like I did, you will need 30 strips.


3. Make hearts and stems

Now it’s time to make your hearts and stems. Connect the ends of the strips together with a staple and then fold a crease at the other end to make a heart. For the stems, just fold the strip in half towards each other and staple the ends together, then use your finger and thumb to make two creases on the other end. (That’s really hard to explain. Hope the pictures help explain it a little better!)

4. Arrange clovers where you want them on watercolor paper

Arrange the clovers where you want them on your watercolor paper. This makes it easier for kids to glue them on if they can see where they are going to put them.


5. Glue four leaf clovers onto paper

Pour a generous amount of school glue on your small paper plate. Then take one piece off at a time, dip it in the glue and then place it back on your rainbow paper in it’s place. Continue until all of your four leaf clovers are glued onto your paper.


Now I have to tell you we also made another version of this craft. After we made it, I just didn’t like it as much as the soft watercolors behind the four leaf clovers, but I wanted to show you because you might like it more.


Instead of using watercolors, I cut 6 individual strips of white paper and my daughter painted them red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. While the paint was still wet, she also sprinkled all the strips with coordinating glitter colors.


When the paint was all dry, we glued the strips in rainbow order onto a piece of cardstock paper, and then glued our four leaf clovers on top. They both turned out vibrant and lovely!

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