Planting a Rainbow Flower Craft

This year we made a beautiful rainbow flower garden out of one of my favorite craft materials, cupcake liners. And just look how beautiful it turned out!
Planting a Rainbow Craft

What you will need:




1. Paint grass using bubble wrap

Start by painting the bubble side of your bubble wrap with green paint. Place your green cardstock paper on top of it and press down firmly all over to transfer the green paint to your paper. Peel off your green paper to reveal your bubble wrap pattern. Set the paper aside to dry completely and continue with the rest of your craft.

2. Make slits in cupcake liners

Press your cupcake liners out flat. Cut slits around each cupcake liner to make petals. Make sure to stop your cut at the center circle line of the liner. (This is great scissor practice for preschoolers. You might need to help hold the cupcake liner for your child if they are new to cutting.)

3. Make stems

Cut green stems out for all six of your flowers out of green paper.

4. Glue cupcake liners & stems

Glue the the red, orange and yellow cupcake liners at the top of your blue cardstock paper. Then glue the flower stems underneath them.

5. Glue next row

Glue the green, blue and purple flowers on the next row and the stems underneath them. If your stems are too long, trim them with your scissors.



6. Glue circles to the flowers

Glue your 2″ yellow circles in the middle of your cupcake liners. I used a circle punch to punch out all my circles. If you don’t have one, you can just cut out your own, freehand them, or have your children cut out their own circles. Pom-poms or buttons would also be a fun option for the centers.

7. Glue on grass

To finish the craft, cut off a section from your bubble wrap printed page, and glue it to the bottom of your paper to create “grass”.




The rainbow colors  make such a beautiful craft for spring!



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