With July 4th fast approaching, I took some time yesterday to make some fun glitter fireworks with the kids. It is so simple and they turned out so cute!

Materials you will Need:
1. Draw firework shapes on black sheet using glue
Have your child use their glue to draw firework shapes on their black sheet of construction paper. I assisted my 4-year old on drawing one of them so he knew what I meant.

2. Sprinkle glitter over the glue
Apply glitter over the glue. I had one of those glitter caddy’s, that came with 6 different bright colors, so we tried a different color for each firework. Using a variety of colors will create a vibrant and beautiful artwork.

3. Remove access glitter
Turn the paper upside down to remove the glitter and let it dry completely. We carefully turned our paper onto our plastic placement and then pushed all the glitter towards the middle and poured it into a sandwich bag to use on a future project.
They turned out so fun! With all the different colors of fireworks on the paper it looks like the Grand Finale 🙂