Bumblebee Preschool Math Printable

I combined my daughter’s love for stickers with cute bees and addition facts and put together this fun bumblebee preschool math printable for my daughter to work on her simple addition facts.

My preschooler recently had her Kindergarten orientation. She beamed from ear to ear as she entered the Kindergarten room, so excited about getting to be a big Kindergartner.

close up image of child placing a sticker on the bumblebee math printable

At the orientation the teacher talked about all the things they would be learning in Kindergarten and what things they should be working on at home to get ready for Kindergarten. My daughter came home and expressed how she wanted to work on math “so she could be extra smart for Kindergarten.” I just love her!

After my daughter expressed an interest in working on her addition facts, I created this cute preschool math printable with a bee theme so she could have some fun while practicing her her addition.

Supplies needed for this preschool math activity:

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Instructions for using the Bubblebee Math Printable

1. Print out the bumblebee preschool math printable

Start by printing out the bumblebee preschool math printable in color. If you don’t have a color printer, you could always print it in black and white and have your preschooler color in the yellow stripes on the bees.

2. Write the addition answers on Avery labels

Write the addition answers on your round Avery labels. You will need to write one 2 and one 3 and then two of every number 4-10.

3. Set out all pieces

Set out the printable, labels and black and yellow pony beads to set up your activity.

Printed bumblebee preschool math printable laying out with number stickers and black and white pony beads.

4. Let child to practice addition facts

Now your preschooler can practice her addition facts. They can find the correct answer to an addition problem on one of the bee wings, find the corresponding answer on the labels and then place the label onto the addition problem.

The pony beads come in handy as a counting tool for preschoolers. When my preschooler used them she used the yellow beads for one number in the addition problem and the black beads for the other number in the addition problem and then counted them.

Even though I set out the pony beads for my preschooler to use she sometimes preferred to use her fingers for counting.

collage image showing child using their fingers to count, counting pony beads and placing the number sticker on the math printable.

If you aren’t working on addition right now, you can print out a blank version of the bumblebee preschool math printable to customize how you’d like. You could use it for matching letters, numbers, or you can also turn it into a subtraction activity.

collage image of addition preschool printable on top and child working on it on bottom with the words "bumblebee addition preschool printable" in the center.

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