I have seen firsthand how beneficial the earnings can be for schools so we love participating in the program! With back to school time here, it’s the perfect time to find and stock up on products with Box Tops so you can help your school increase their earnings quickly. Since we are always on the lookout for Box Tops when we go shopping at our local Walmart, I came up with this fun idea to not only keep my kids engaged while shopping, but to also incorporate working on math skills. I know you and your kids are going to love this simple and fun Box Tops Grocery Store Counting Activity!

A few years ago my children’s school had a big goal to collect enough Box Tops to be able to purchase and provide an entire classroom with iPad’s. The iPad’s were to be rotated through all the classrooms throughout the school year. Our school was able to meet that goal and now have up to date technology available for students to use in the classroom. Last year my fourth grader learned how to use the technology to do online research for a State County report. My second grader used the technology to play special math games weekly that reinforced skills they learned in the classroom. Without the Box Tops for Educationâ„¢ program our school wouldn’t have been able to purchase and use this technology in the classroom. This is why I love participating in the program so much.
At your next trip to the grocery store, print out this Box Tops Counting Printable, grab a clipboard and a dot marker and get ready to have some Box Tops counting fun!
Supplies needed:
- Box Tops Counting Printable
- clipboard
- dot marker (or any other tool to mark your printable, i.e. marker, pencil, stickers)
How to play:
1. Challenge your kids to find products with Box Tops
While at your trip to the grocery store, give your child a challenge to find as many products as they can that have Box Tops. For every Box Top they find they make a mark in a square on the counting printable.
2. Only mark Box Tops for one product on shelf
The only rule we followed is that you can only mark the Box Tops for one of the products on the shelf. So if you see 15 boxes of General Mills® Cinnamon Toast Crunch on the shelf you can only mark the counting sheet for one of the boxes.
3. Count how many you found
When we got home we pulled out a snack from one of the Box Tops General Mills products we bought and set out counting how many Box Tops we had found at the store while enjoying our snack. After counting your Box Tops, write the total in the section provided on the printable.
If you aren’t familiar with the Box Tops for Education™ program, here is some information:
- Box Tops are worth $0.10 for your child’s school
- Box Tops is one of America’s largest school earnings loyalty programs.
- Over 80,000 k-8 schools participate
- Schools can use Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need.
- Box Tops for Education has contributed over $525 million to participating schools since the launch of the program in 1996.