Alphabet and Number Valentine’s Matching Game (Free Printable)

My daughter has been loving our Alphabet Match activities lately using bottle caps, but I’ve been wanting to switch it up a bit for her to hold her interest.

We have also been working on our teen numbers up to twenty so I’ve been working on ways to incorporate number practice with her every day.

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up next month, I created these Alphabet and Number Valentine’s Day Matching Games.

Supplies for Making Alphabet and Number Valentine’s Matching Game

Instructions for Making Alphabet and Number Valentine’s Matching Game

1. Prepare the material

Print off the alphabet and numbers heart printable from your home printer.

2. Mark the Letters and Numbers

Write all of the capital letters from A to Z and your numbers from 1 to 20 on your red stickers with your black marker.




3. Match the Letters

For the alphabet game, have your child match all the capital letter stickers to the lowercase letters on the heart printable.




I like talking with my daughter as she does this and asking her questions like “What letter are you matching now?” “Can you remember what sound that letter makes?” “What is something that starts with that letter?”

4. Match the Numbers

For the number game, simply match the number stickers to the correct number on the heart printable.


I also asked her questions with this activity such as “Which number are you matching on your heart now?” “What number comes before that number?” or “What number comes after that number?”


As I mentioned, we are still working on our teen numbers so she struggled a bit on knowing what a couple of them were.
Instead of just telling her, I would encourage her to recite her numbers and as she counted she was able to remember what number it was.
AlphabetandNumberMatchingGame 1
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