Paper Bag Mermaid Craft for Kids

I still vividly remember sitting in the movie theatre with my Girl Scout troop when I was 7 years old and watching The Little Mermaid. The moment I saw Ariel’s long red hair, I became a lifelong fan. It probably had something to do with the fact that I’m a redhead. When my daughter was old enough for the movie we sat and watched it together and I saw her eyes light up just like mine did. She is of course a die hard mermaid fan now (and is also a redhead). If you have a mermaid fan in your house like me, this paper bag mermaid craft will surely bring a big smile to their face! It’s simple to make and will bring hours of fun pretend play using it as a puppet.

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Supplies you will need:


1. Cut off top off paper bag, paint paper bag and let it dry

Cut off about 2-inches from the top of the white paper bag. Paint the front of your paper bag with your peach paint (the side with the bottom of the bag facing forward). Let it dry completely.

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2. Cut out mermaid seashell bra pieces, hair and tail

While your paper bag is drying, cut out two hearts for the seashell bra (we used our handy heart punch for this). You could also opt to cut out a traditional seashell shape. You will also need to cut out several strips for the hair and a mermaid tail from your shiny green textured cardstock paper.

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3. Glue all pieces onto paper bag, draw a smile

Finish your mermaid by gluing all the pieces onto your paper bag, the tail, hearts, googly eyes and hair. Then draw a smile onto your paper bag mermaid craft. Now your adorable paper bag mermaid craft is all ready for play!

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paper bag mermaid craft for kids

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