How to Draw French Fries – A Step by Step Guide

French fries Drawing in just 6 Easy Steps!

Fast food has become a big part of the food market around the world. It may make professional chefs cringe, but there’s no denying the convenience that fast food provides.

There are many different varieties of fast food that you can find, but even with this variety there are a few different types of food that have become staples, and French fries are one of these.

These tasty fried potato sticks come in many shapes, sizes and flavors, and learning how to draw French fries is a great way to enjoy them apart from eating them.

This is the tutorial for you if you want to know how you can create an awesome drawing of this famous food!

Why not grab your favorite snack as you embark on this step-by-step guide on how to draw French fries in just 6 easy steps?how to draw French Fries in 6 steps

How to Draw French Fries – Let’s Get Started!

Step 1

how to draw French Fries step 1
When ordering this food at a fast-food restaurant, you will often receive your fries in a cardboard box with a large opening at the top of it.

This is what we will be starting with in this first step of our guide on how to draw French fries.

These boxes tend to have a similar shape and structure no matter which restaurant chain you’re visiting, and this design usually has them tall and fairly flat.

First, draw some slightly diagonal lines for the sides of the box, and then connect them with an inwardly curved line for the base of the box.

Once you have drawn this, we shall move to the next step of the guide to add even more to the box.

Step 2 – Now, draw the top of the box

how to draw French Fries step 2
This second part of this French fries drawing will have you finishing off the box outline and adding some details to it.

Draw a curved line across the box near the top of it to create the opening of the box. There will still be an open edge at the very top of it, but that is where we will be drawing the fries later on.

Before proceeding to the third step of the guide, add two straight vertical lines to the interior of the box. Then we shall be ready to move on!

Step 3 – Draw the first fries and more details for the box

how to draw French Fries step 3
Having a box for some fries is all well and good, but it’s even better when it actually has something inside of it!

For that reason, we will add the first fries in this step of our guide on how to draw French fries. Each fry will be drawn as a long rectangular shape.

Then, there will be a small square at the top of each one, and this square will have a line going down the fry from the inner corner.

If that sounds at all confusing, the reference image will show you what we mean! Then, finish off this step by adding a simple cross-hatch effect to the lower right-hand side of the box.

Once you have added these 6 fries and the box details, we can move on to the fourth step.

Step 4 – Next, draw some more fries

how to draw French Fries step 4
You’ve drawn six fries so far for this French fries drawing, and in this next step we shall be adding six more. These fries will go primarily on the left-hand and center of the box.

Some of them will also be going behind some of the other ones, and this will add some depth to the image.

Otherwise, they will look exactly the same as the previous ones did. Once they are drawn, we can then add the final details and elements in the next step of the guide.

Step 5 – Add the final details to your French fries drawing

how to draw French Fries step 5
Now you’re ready to finish off the final details and elements for this picture to have you ready for some coloring fun in the next step of our guide on how to draw French fries.

To do this, we will be filling in the final empty spaces with more fries. These ones will look like the other you have drawn, and they will fill in the left-hand side of the box.

Once these are drawn, you could also add some extra details and ideas of your own.

One idea would be to draw a background, and if you did this then you could show what other food or beverages you would like to enjoy with these fries. How will you finish off this drawing before you add some color to it?

Step 6 – Finish off your French fries drawing with color

how to draw French Fries step 6
This final step of your French fries drawing will have you finishing it off with some color! For the fries themselves, we used some shades of yellows to color them in.

For the box, we used some reds for a nice bright color scheme to the box. These are some colors that you could use, but you should feel free to use any others you like to create your perfect French fries design!

If you have some red or yellow acrylic paint, you could use some thick applications of these mediums to make it look like there’s ketchup or mustard on these fries.

How will you finish off this picture with your colors and art mediums?

5 Tips To Make Your French Fries Drawing Even Better!

Make your French fries sketch even tastier with these fun and easy tips!

For this French fries drawing, we kept the box a simple red to make it a bit easier. Now that you have finished the guide, you could add some additional details to this box!

For instance, you could add the logo of your favorite fast food restaurant to the box. It could also be fun to make a unique logo for your very own restaurant chain as well!

When you order French fries, you will often get them as a side in a larger meal. For that reason, we think it would be fun to add some more food items to this order!

For some common ideas, you could add a burger and a soda to create a classic fast-food meal. What other kinds of food would you order with fries?

When you have finished designing the box and adding any extras, maybe you could draw someone who is about to eat them. This person could be drawn in any style you feel comfortable with!

For a fun touch, maybe you could model the character after yourself or someone you know. Who do you think would enjoy tucking into these French fries?

With this French fries sketch, we went with French fries in their most common form. That being said, you can get them in other variations, and you could change these to one of those variations.

One popular iteration would be curly fries. These would be harder to draw, but they would certainly look cool!

That is just one possibility, but what else could you change these standard fries into?

Finally, you could finish off this French fries drawing with a cool background. Fast food is designed to be enjoyed anywhere, so you could choose any location you like for the background.

It could be in the restaurant itself, in a car or maybe in someone’s house. These are just a few ideas you could try!

Where would you enjoy these French fries?

Your French Fries Drawing is Complete!

We hope that working on this tasty guide on how to draw French fries didn’t make you feel too hungry!

Even though French fries are a simple-looking food, they can still be surprisingly difficult to draw. We hope that this guide made it easier and even more fun for you to complete this composition, however!

Now that you have completed this drawing, you can take it even further with your own creative ideas.

We gave you a few ideas for some cool background details or color choices that you could utilize, but what else can you think of?

This drawing is just one of many more drawing guides we have for you on our website! We have a huge selection, and we bring new ones out frequently.

It would be great to see how your French fries drawing came out, so please remember to share it on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to enjoy when it’s done!how to draw French Fries in 6 easy steps