Cupcake Liner Walrus Kids Craft

Walrus’ are such awesome looking creatures aren’t they? We made a Paper Plate Walrus a few years ago when my daughter was too young for crafting so the other day we decided to make one together out of cupcake liners. Oddly enough, you could easily take off the tusks and whiskers from this Walrus Craft and I think he passes great as a a seal too.

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Supplies you will need:


1. Make water imitation

Start by tearing a piece off of your blue construction paper for water and gluing it along the bottom of your light blue cardstock paper.

2. Glue on walrus body

Glue your large cupcake liner at the top of the water and one of the mini liners on top of the large liner, but leave a small section open at the bottom to put the tusks.

3. Make tusks

Cut the sharp ends off your toothpick and then cut it in half. Glue the two pieces under the mini cupcake liner and finish gluing down the mini cupcake liner.

4. Make flippers

Cut your other mini cupcake liner in half and glue the two halves at the bottom of the large cupcake liner for his flippers.

5. Time for eyes

Glue your googly eyes onto your Walrus. Also, draw a nose and mouth with your black marker.


6. Finish by making whiskers

Cut 6 small pieces of yarn and finish your walrus by gluing them onto his face as his big whiskers.

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