Cupcake Liner Spider Craft for Kids

Funny story…I am horridly afraid of spiders in real life (true story!) but I love, love cute spider crafts. Totally weird I know. We made this cute Cupcake Liner Spider Craft for Kids last summer but never got around to sharing it with you. What I love about this craft is how kids can get creative with using different colored cupcake liners and eyes to make each spider craft truly unique.
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Supplies needed:


1. Glue cupcake liners on cardstock

Start by gluing your mini cupcake liners onto your cardstock paper with a piece of white string coming out the top of it.
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2. Draw legs

Use your crayons or oil pastels to draw legs onto your spiders.

3. Add eyes

Finish your spiders by gluing on lots of little googly eyes. Did you know most spiders have 8 eyes but some of them have 6 eyes.

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cupcake liner spider craft kids

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