Simple Paper Dragonfly Craft

Learning about insects and making insect crafts is one of my favorite things to do with my kids in spring. With all of the plants coming back to life and flowers blooming it’s a perfect time to sit and observe all the insects in your flower gardens with your children and then have some fun making insect crafts.

This paper dragonfly craft is super simple to create and the kids will have a blast flying it around the house all afternoon.

paper dragonfly craft

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Supplies Needed to Make this Paper Dragonfly Craft

Instructions for this Dragonfly Paper Craft

1. Print out dragonfly pattern and cut it out

Print off the dragonfly pattern and cut it out. You will only need one half of your turquoise cardstock for each dragonfly so cut your paper in half and set aside the other piece for later.

2. Trace pattern onto colored cardstock and cut it out

Fold your half section of your turquoise cardstock in half. Lay your dragonfly pattern onto the folded paper with the fold at the bottom of the template, and trace the pattern onto your cardstock. Cut out your dragonfly.

3. Punch a hole for wings, glue eye, draw lines and smile

Punch a hole at the top of your dragonfly to insert the wings. Place a sticker googly eye onto your paper dragonfly craft. Then use your black marker to draw lines and a smile on your dragonfly.

paper dragonfly craft 3

4. Create dragonfly wings

Cut off a section of white tulle for the wings. Poke it through the holes at the top of your paper dragonfly craft. Trim the wings to the length you desire. The double layer of cardstock helps keep the wings in place without any glue needed.

So simple right?! Now you can pick up your paper dragonfly craft and have fun flying it around the house.

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