Rainbow Fish Alphabet Match

I loved coming across this “Rainbow Fish A, B, C” Book at my library last week. There isn’t much text in it at all, it’s basically a review of the ABC’s in order on each page.
Rainbow Fish Alphabet Match 1

When I looked through it I knew it would be perfect to use as an ABC matching activity for my daughter to review the alphabet. It turned out to be quite a hit with her!


We used our set of upper case letter magnets purchased at Dollar Tree which turned out to be the perfect size for the activity. I laid them out above the book in random order and as we moved through each page I encouraged her to recognize the letters on the page and then find the corresponding magnet and place it on top of the letter in the book.


After she had the page completed, we reviewed the letters again and went over what sound each letter makes. We worked our way from left to right on each page and I encouraged her to use her finger to point to the letters to help her with early reading skills.


It turned out to be such an awesome activity for her, perfect for reviewing her uppercase letters this summer!



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