How to Draw a Football Helmet – Step by Step Guide

Complete Football Helmet drawing in just 9 easy steps!

The football helmet is an essential gear when playing football. It is designed to protect the head of the football player to prevent any form of injuries.

If you love sports and drawing, then you’re in the right place! Learning how to draw the essential sports equipment is the key to drawing much more complex sports drawing.

Who knows? You might be able to draw an entire football field with players passing the ball around soon!

We have created a step-by-step tutorial in how to draw a helmet, summed up in 9 quick and easy steps.

Each instruction comes with an illustration to make the steps a lot easier for you to follow. What’s fun about this tutorial is that it allows you to customize the football helmet as much as you like!

Have fun and use your artistic skills!drawing football helmet in 9 steps

How to Draw a Football Helmet – Let’s get started!

Step 1football helmet drawing step 1

Start by drawing the body of the football helmet (or what is called the shell).

Draw an irregular circle shape to represent the body or the shell of the helmet.

Step 2 – Time to Add the Faceguard of the Football Helmetfootball helmet drawing step 2

It is time to add the face mask of the football helmet.

Draw various curved, horizontal, diagonal lines to represent the face mask.

Step 3 – Attach the Holder of the Faceguard at the Bottom Partfootball helmet drawing step 3

This time, we will add the holder of the face mask and the remaining parts of the face mask of our football helmet.

Use curved and diagonal lines to do so.

Step 4 – Finish the Faceguard by Adding More Curved and Diagonal linesfootball helmet drawing step 4

The football helmet is taking shape! It’s time to make it more realistic by adding more details of the football helmet (like helmet outline, face mask mounting clip, and face mask holder).

Use curved and diagonal lines to achieve this.

Step 5 – Complete the Football Helmet by Drawing the Peak and Cheek Padfootball helmet drawing step 5

This is a continuation of the previous step. Add more details to the football helmet by drawing the outline of the helmet or cheek pad on the left side of the helmet.

Use curved lines to achieve this. Feel free to use the illustration as a guide to make sure you’re doing it right!

Step 6 – Add Another Cheek Pad on the Opposite Sidefootball helmet drawing step 6

Repeat the previous step on the opposite side of the football helmet. This forms the cheek pad on the right side of the football helmet.

The football helmet is almost complete—keep going!

Step 7 – Next, Draw the Inner Part of the Football Helmetfootball helmet drawing step 7

Now, we will add more details inside the football helmet.

Add more pads or linings by drawing curved lines to represent these.

Step 8 – Now, Draw the Details in the Shell of the Football Helmetfootball helmet drawing step 8

In this step, you will start adding customization to the football helmet.

You will add a curved line connecting the backside of the helmet shell and the face mask mounting clip.

Step 9 – Afterwards, Add Any Design You Prefer at the Shellfootball helmet drawing step 9

This is a continuation of Step 8.

We will add a fairly big star shape to further customize the shell of the football helmet.

Now, it’s finally time to make the football helmet come to life by adding various colors!

As you can see in the illustration, we added white, red, and various shades of gray to make the football helmet colorful!

You can opt to color the football helmet according to your favorite football team or create a unique football helmet with customized colors. Either way, we’re sure the colors will turn out beautifully!

Have fun playing with colors and watch as the football helmet ultimately comes to life!football helmet drawing 9 steps

5 Tips To Make Your Football Helmet Drawing Even Better!

Prepare for sporting action as we show you how to make your football helmet look great!

A football helmet will often have decorations on it that showcase the team the player belongs to. That would be a great detail to add to your football helmet drawing!

There are many options for how you could go about this. For instance, you could draw the logo of your favorite professional football team on the side.

If you play the sport yourself, then you could then use the logo of your own team! What teams would you choose for this football helmet?

Carrying on from the last tip, you’ll also want to use colors to finish off the football helmet sketch. These would also need to be chosen wisely if you wish to reflect a certain team, as teams will have distinct olors.

Once you know the colors you will use, you can then choose which art tools would be best to portray them!

Helmets are made to be worn, and that is a great way to make your drawing of a football helmet even better. If you were to draw a head in the helmet, you would have many options to go for!

Again, you could use a favorite professional player you admire. Or, maybe you could draw yourself!

What style would you use for the head inside the football helmet?

Even if no one is wearing the helmet, you could still create a background to finish off the scene. Maybe the helmet could be sitting in a locker room alongside other football equipment.

That’s one scene that comes to mind, but there are plenty of places you could use for this background!

We have one more fun idea for this football helmet sketch, and it involves turning it into a cartoon character! This would be a great way to create your own football mascot.

You could easily do this by simply adding some eyes and cartoon limbs. What kinds of poses do you think you would put such a character into?

Your Football Helmet Drawing is Complete!

Hopefully, you had fun drawing a football helmet with this step-by-step drawing tutorial. Now that you can draw a football helmet, perhaps you can draw a football player wearing a helmet next?

If you want to draw that, go ahead and check out our tutorial on how to draw a football player.

All of our drawing tutorials are completely free for you to use as references or learning materials.

Don’t forget to keep checking back to continuously enjoy brand-new drawing tutorials as we are regularly updating our “How to Draw” catalog.

Let us know what you would like to draw next and we’ll try to create a drawing tutorial for it!

Completing a football helmet drawing is an achievement, so you should feel proud of yourself for finishing a masterpiece!

Make sure to show off your artwork and share it on our Facebook page and on Pinterest. Don’t be shy! We’re sure it looks awesome!

We would love to see your realistic football helmet drawing!

Here Is A Football Helmet Sketch To Inspire You!

football helmet sketch

The football helmet is not only an essential piece of equipment for the game, it’s also an iconic symbol of the sport. This football helmet sketch for kids will help you to draw one of your own.

These helmets are quite complex in their appearance, and so it can get tricky if you don’t have one in front of you. Our artist Amanda created this special drawing to help you.

It can work as a reference point that you can use as you draw your own version. You will see the various parts of the helmet that need to be included for it to be accurate.

Once it’s drawn, you can then add any logos or additional details to the helmet that will help to make it more personalized. What famous team logo could you add to the helmet?


how to draw a football helmet in 9 easy steps

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