Father’s Day Constellation Craft

Is your Dad the best in the entire galaxy? If so, this Father’s Day constellation craft is the perfect gift for kids to make for Dad this Father’s Day.

Our message template that reads “Happy Father’s Day to the BEST DAD in the Galaxy!” makes creating this constellation craft super easy for preschoolers and kids of all ages to make.

Father's Day DAD constellation craft placed on a photo stand on a pink table with colored craft poms and a blurry white shiplap background

The best part of this craft is you can customize it in any way needed for Father’s Day. Since my kids call their Grandpa, “Papa”, we made a constellation craft with him in mind.

Kids can easily customize their craft to create a constellation with any loved one’s name on it.

PAPA and DAD constellation craft complete and laying flat on a pink background

We use a fun technique with white paint and two paintbrushes to create the speckled galaxy background in this art project. Kids will have a blast with it!

The constellation word, written with white crayon and completed with colorful star stickers, is the perfect finishing touch for this easy Father’s craft.

fathers day constellation craft 3

Read our simple step-by-step instructions below for how to make this fun Father’s Day craft. You will also want to make sure you watch our easy video tutorial inside this post before you get started.

Supplies needed to make this easy Father’s Day Craft

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How to Make this Fun Constellation Craft

1. Lay cardstock paper on a newspaper

Lay your black cardstock paper on a table with newspaper underneath it or some sort of covered surface to catch any paint splatter.

2. Create speckled galaxy background

Pour a small amount of white paint on a small paper plate. Dip the end of one of your paintbrushes into the white paint. Hold the end of the paintbrush with one hand and grab your second paintbrush with your second hand. Lightly tap the top of the paintbrush with paint on it with the second paintbrush. Speckles of paint will splatter onto your black paper.

square collage image of four photos showing how to make a father's day constellation craft

Continue tapping the paintbrush to create paint speckles and splatters all over your black cardstock. You may need to dip your paintbrush back into the white paint a few times during this process. When you are satisfied with the design of your white painted speckled galaxy, set your paper aside to allow the paint to dry completely.

Tip: Make sure kids are wearing a paint smock or clothes you are comfortable with them getting paint on, as this paint process can sometimes be messy. If the weather permits, this is a great outdoor activity. We also like to keep baby wipes close by for easy clean up.

3. Print out template ant cut out it’s pieces

Download and print out the Father’s Day constellation craft template. Cut out each of the pieces from the template. You don’t have to worry about cutting out the letters perfectly as they are designed just to be a general guide. You can also forego using our letters and let children freehand and draw their own constellation letters on their galaxy.

square photo collage with four photos showing how to make a Father's Day constellation craft

4. Glue Father’s Day message

When your galaxy painted background has finished drying, add glue to the back of the Father’s Day message from the template and glue it at the bottom of your black cardstock. We created our Father’s Day craft vertically but you can also create it with your paper horizontal, if you choose.

5. Trace letters on galaxy

Arrange the block letters from the template on your galaxy. Use your a white crayon to trace the outline of each of the letters to spell out DAD or PAPA. After tracing each letter, you can go over your lines again to make them thicker, if needed.

Finished DAD constellation craft laying flat at an angle on a pink background

6. Add star stickers

Turn your letters into a constellation by placing colorful star stickers at the corner of each letter and around each rounded curve of the letters. Use our photos as a guide, or allow children to use their creativity to place the stickers wherever they want.

fathers day constellation craft 5

Your constellation crafts are all ready for giving to Dad and Papa on Father’s Day.

For added fun, children can write Dad or Papa a special note on a separate piece of paper and then glue it on the back of their craft.

vertical image of Father's Day constellation craft on pink table with white shiplap background. DAD constellation is front and in focus and PAPA constellation is blurry in background.

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